Half life 2 episode 2 textures
Half life 2 episode 2 textures

half life 2 episode 2 textures

Performance between the two variants is identical here with all the settings but AA cranked up. Half-Life 2: Episode One brings us another test where the extra 320MB of RAM the original 8800 GTS enjoys makes no difference when AA is not enabled. All the settings are turned up as high as they will go. The demo we recorded is a battle with a flying gunship in a wooden house in which house and gunship are blown to bits. Our benchmark makes use of the timedemo functionality provided through Source.

half life 2 episode 2 textures half life 2 episode 2 textures

We are using the latest version of the game available on Steam as of the publication of this article. Constantly evolving, HL2:EP1 show off some of the newer features of the engine. Games based on Valve's Source engine have long been a staple of our test suites.

Half life 2 episode 2 textures